Rifka Dushane
The Tier of Bonds
"When you turn your face to the Sun,
The Darkness has no choice but to fall behind you."
Brief Bio
Name: Rifka Dushane
Nickname(s): Rif, Riffie, Mom, Kitten
Birthdate: 20th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon (9/20)
Deity: Azim, Azeyma
Hometown: Othard, Azim Steppes
Alignment: Neutral/Neutral Good
Main Class: Monk
Sub Class: Astro, Machinist, Dark Knight
Occupation: Adventurer, Goldsmith
Sexuality: Demi/Pan, Poly
Relationship Status: Solo-Play Canon: Married. Multiplayer Canon: Single.
Physical Stats
Height: 5'6
Weight: 155lbs
Build: Pear-shaped, Muscular/toned
Age: 38+/-
Race: Moon Miqo'te-Hrothgar
Hair: Brown-Black, red dyed highlights
Eyes: Starburst Green
Tattoos: Tiger/Sun, Dragon/Moon on opposite shoulders
Multiple Scarring: Right eyebrow, across nose, various others
Mole: Corner of right eye
MBTI: ENTJ-A: The Commander
Stars: Sun: Virgo, Moon: Scorpio, Rising: Aquarius
Love Language: Touch, Song
Fashion Style: Classy, Practical
Fave Color: Cobalt Blue
Fave Flower: Red Snapdragons
Fave Food: Roasted Meats
Fave Scent: Spiced Chai, Rain
Rifka has a strong, intense aura and a subtly frowning expression with a sharp, direct gaze that most find intimidating. At first. When approached, however, she tends to surprise people with an inviting warmth.Her voice is low and quiet, slightly rough, and heavily accented with a mixture of Othardian/Xaelic and her natural Miqo'te inflections, which combines to make her voice, and especially her laugh, rather unique.Her sense of humor is surprisingly sassy, and her temper is very rare, and all the more terrifying for it's rarity.In her clothing, she favors sleeveless tunics that are either short, or split to leave her legs free, and she will pair them with shorts, pants or leggings depending on her mood.She can always be found every morning at Dawn on a hill or a cliff facing the East, Greeting the Sun with prayer and a routine of stretching and balancing to strengthen her core.
Coffee with cream & sugar
Honesty/Being direct
Clean Fingernails
Music (Guitar specifically)
Cuddling/Sharing Space
"Pillow Talk"/Intimate Bonding
Sharing Meals
Bad Hygiene
Snobby Attitudes
People walking behind her
Turn Ons
Beautiful Men (of all kinds)
Quiet or Deep Voices
Mild Bondage
Athletic/Muscular Bodies
Intense/Bright Eyes
Size Differences
Turn Offs
Being Bossy/Demanding
Disrespecting Boundaries
Wishy-Washy Personalities
Belittling Her/Others
Studying Languages
Hunting (For Food & Sport)
Cooking (Indoor/Outdoor)
Collecting Songs/Singing
Sports (Soccer, volleyball, table tennis)
Strength/Core Training
Close-Quarters Combat (Monk)
Marksmanship (MCH)
Heavy Blades (DRK)
Languages: Xaelic, Doman, Eorzean Common, Body Language
Instruments: Guitar, Piano
Instruments: Voice (Mezzo-Soprano)
Cooking (Indoor/Outdoor)
Goldsmithing (Master Level)
Born in the Azim Steppes, Rifka's earliest lasting memory is that of her tribe being attacked in the dead of night. She remembers the screams. She remembers the ropes. The cages. The whips. Her body bares the heavy scarring of this period of time, and though they have faded on the outside, internally the wounds still linger in the form of terrible nightmares.She was rescued, she believes, by the intervention of Azim, or possibly Azeyma. She suspects these two Sun Gods of being the same person, though since hearing the voice of Azeyma, she has chosen to worship her specifically. She also knows that she was guided by Hydaelyn into the arms of Janik Dushane, a Xaela tribal chieftain.A powerful Sage, as well as a Bard, Janik understood the task being handed him, and raised Rifka as his own, teaching her everything he could, anything that might be helpful to her in what he knew would be a very difficult future.Rifka began to hear Hydaelyn's Call at the age of Twelve, which is when her training began in earnest. By Nineteen, Janik declared her as ready as he could make her. Thus, she began the long journey to Eorzea, where the Goddess told her she was needed.She eventually landed in Ul'dah, where she became a Pugilist, and then a Monk, while fostering a professional-yet-flirty relationship with Thancred. It wouldn't be until many years later that it developed into something more. Today, the pair still remain very close friends.